Saturday 21 March 2015

Leftover Chilli and More Kitten Spam

Hi guys! :)
 I made a delicious slow cooked Chili for tea yesterday, i enjoyed it so much i had the leftovers for supper too! Along with a yummy wholemeal pitta bread that was on its sell by date so i got a pack of 6 for 17p! So me and The Bearded Wonder had 1 each and i've popped the rest in the freezer for another day

Look at that face! Playing with the new mouse toy i made her and wearing her swanky new ruffled collar (also handmade)

 Fierce Kitty!


  1. what a little cutie she is. Love cats but we are allergic to them.....

    1. What a shame :( have you thought of a hairless breed? such as a Sphinx? Adorable! :) xxx

  2. Love the photo where she's standing up xx

    1. You should see the 100's of others i took trying to get that shot! haha they were either blurry, or had her face in the camera lol :D xx
